Left Yerevan, arrived in Newcastle. Luggage was sent to Belfast, so I still awaiting its arrival. This will be my 2nd full day here, so I will start photographing today. Since I arrived ive been sleepy, with the 4 hour time difference and my full day of travel to get here it only makes sense.
Missing Yerevan so much I cant even express. I wasn't ready to leave, and can only think about when im going back next.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Up to date update! - Yerevan, Armenia

Everything is wonderful. I haven't found time to upload photos or share stories, so I will do so now.
Been spending most of (if not all) my time with Acacia. Going on walking adventures, taking pictures and laughing a lot! She is my new sister, and i love her dearly.
Today we went to Vernisage again, and of course, bought a bunch of fun and beautiful things!
Here and the post above are just some pictures of what I have been up to lately.
Pic 1 --> Acacia with this beautiful little girl Sofie we met on one of our walks.
Pic 2 -- > A Spiral I found on the ground and the nearly setting sun over Yerevan.
Pic 3 & 4 --> Jamming with the boys @ Calumet. Rudy, Dare, Aram and Vahan.
Pic 5 --> Armenian Fried Chickennn!!!! (This one is for Renna!)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Beautiful - Yerevan, Armenia

This place is still amazing! Just gets better infact.

So Acacia and I have made friends with these 4 fabulous boys - 2 Greeks, 1 Bulgarian and 1 Portuguese. They live in the big house that overlooks the city. We have been spending quite a bit of time there having bbq's, listening to music, sleeping outside on the big balcony. These boys are absolutely wonderful and we have loads of fun!
The last picture is of Vernisage, which is the market on the weekends! fun place to walk around and look at things!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
On The Way - Karabakh

We stayed in Stepanagerd, but visited Shooshi while we were there. I can't express how amazing Karabakh is. Just abosolutely stunning scenery, interesting history and current issues...and the people! It is a very backwards sort of place....i was describing that it looks like the Buffalo of Armenia. Regardless, i had an amazing time! There are plans in the work to go back before I leave here.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
My People - Yerevan, Armenia

Let me introduce you to some of my everyday people. We have Sati, who you have all met before from previous posts. She's what has been keeping me sane living in this house. Next is Acacia - From Beirut. Remember that poolparty/jam sesh I talked about? I met her there, because she is Hratch and Sylvie's niece. She is just a load of good energy and sunshine everyday, and spending time with her makes me smile non-stop! Next is Naz, our Iranian counterpart who hails from LA. Though we have nearly nothing in common, we some how managed to have created a strong bond! Shes fun, outgoing and we have great talks! These 3 girls have become my sisters. I see them almost everyday.
These are the people who make me smile, laugh and feel so at home. I will introduce you to more people along the way, because there are still so many more!
Today I leave for Karabakh, and will be there until Monday evening. I feel like there is something waiting there for me. So we will see!!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Love Love Love! - Yerevan, Armenia

Can you tell how I feel about this place??? I love it! I've been busy, and internet isn't consistent, so I Haven't had the chance to post too much this past week.
My class is going really well. The kids are loving it, and I have even had parents go to the head of the department to say what a great job im doing!!! Very exciting.
Friday night my friend Rudy and Hratch opened their lounge called Calumet. The opening was fun and what a beautiful place!!! I will post more pictures of it, seeing as though i intend on spending more time there. I played drums on stage and we all jammed out, hung out and had a lovely time.
Yesterday was Vartavar (for those of you who aren't aware, its basically a giant water fight in the city...if you want to stay dry, do not walk outside!). Me and my friend Naz were attacked constantly with boys who had buckets of water in hand or people pouring water from their balconies! Even a waiter at the restaurant we went to for lunch got me on my way to the washroom. Drenched, but had an amazing time!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Vibrationssss - Yerevan, Armenia

Yesterday was the bbq/pool party/jam session at Sylvie and Hratches. PRobably the most amazing day and night! I have never felt so amazing and so at home. There were about 20 of us at the apartment. We ate lots of food, went swimming in the pool and played lots of music. Just a stunning group of people whom i adore. I can't imagine that I would be so lucky to find such warm, caring and loving people who connect so perfectly with myself and one another. It is unlike anything I have ever seen or felt.
Side note: The feathers I wear in my hair have taken off. Soon most of Yerevan will be braided and feathered!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Quick Update - Yerevan, Armenia
So I haven't had much to post about, mainly because i fell like i need to post pics...but for those of you who actually read what I write:
I have made looots of friends. Been spending most nights at a bar called "That Place". Its a really nice spot and ive made friends with the owners, bartenders and most other people who hang out there.
Tomorrow I have been invited to a bbq/pool party/jam session at this couple Sylvie & Hratches. They have travelled all over the place and have recently settled in Armenia. Sounds like a lot of fun and should be a vibey group of people!
I start my class on Tuesday and can't wait to get going. It should be lots of fun too!
Everything is wonderful, im super happy and sorry to say, dont miss Toronto in the least.
I have made looots of friends. Been spending most nights at a bar called "That Place". Its a really nice spot and ive made friends with the owners, bartenders and most other people who hang out there.
Tomorrow I have been invited to a bbq/pool party/jam session at this couple Sylvie & Hratches. They have travelled all over the place and have recently settled in Armenia. Sounds like a lot of fun and should be a vibey group of people!
I start my class on Tuesday and can't wait to get going. It should be lots of fun too!
Everything is wonderful, im super happy and sorry to say, dont miss Toronto in the least.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
All over - Yerevan, Armenia
So I haven;t posted much, mainly because I haven't really done anything overly exciting that involved picture taking. Not to say im not having a great time. Tamar and Perouz left this morning (which makes me sad), but luckily I have made many other friends, so I am not so lonely!
I have been going out a lot at night. This week I have spent most of my days at the house creating my lesson plan for my month long course (that I will be teaching at the American Uni) that start on July 6th. Got everything done early, went in for a meeting today and my supervisor was overjoyed and 'delighted' (his words). He really liked what i put together, so that made me happy!
To explain the pics:
1) Sati (love of my life! She's amazing!)
2) Dinner with Perouz, Tamar and Garo
3) Anna and Sati taking pictures of us (the intern group at a restaurant called Arma)
4 & 5) The stunning view from the restaurant Arma
Monday, June 28, 2010
Trees and the Roots of Life - Unknown, Armenia
Sadly, I can't remember where we went, but I will find out! A friend of Tamar & Perouz has been buying land outside the city and planting loads and loads of trees (of all kinds) on this amazing property, which he keeps expanding. With the wind blowing and the sun setting, easting apricots on this incredible property felt like magic. Mt. Ararat was sitting in a haze in the distance and we cracked the seeds of the apricots to eat the almond inside.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Whoops - Armenia
I haven't posted anything for a few days - which is why this post is entitles Whoops.
ALOT has happened. Wednesday my dad left, and that night i went to hang out at a tattoo parlour in Yerevan. Made friends with the owner and artist. I had gone there because Lusine ('cousin') was getting a tat done. Spent the night with her and her husband and their 2 sons.
Thursday had a meeting at the American University - Called Hovsep (our driver here) for a ride, but he couldn't make it, so sent his brother. Armen is the same age as me and we hit it off, so we decided we'd just go somewhere knew, and drove 1 1/2 hours to Dilijan! What a beautiful place driving up and down this mountainous area. Ate corn from a vendor on the side of the road and climbed an old water energy building. At night went to a bar called "That Place" with some friends. Tamar & Perouz (girls for T.O. who i have spent nearly everyday with!), Siro (tattoo artist) and K.C. & his friend (2 african boys i made friends with).
Friday moved into the house with all the other interns. Found out i am the oldest of everyone, so it should be interesting. Everyone seems nice, and my superviser is just amazing. Her name is Sati, and she is truly a gem!
Went to Vernisage (weekend market in the city) today with Tamar, Perouz and Garo (Their friend from T.O. who is here for 2 weeks and they are now staying with).
Here are a mish-mash of pictures I took throughout the past few days.
Monday, June 21, 2010
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