Saturday, July 3, 2010

Quick Update - Yerevan, Armenia

So I haven't had much to post about, mainly because i fell like i need to post pics...but for those of you who actually read what I write:
I have made looots of friends. Been spending most nights at a bar called "That Place". Its a really nice spot and ive made friends with the owners, bartenders and most other people who hang out there.
Tomorrow I have been invited to a bbq/pool party/jam session at this couple Sylvie & Hratches. They have travelled all over the place and have recently settled in Armenia. Sounds like a lot of fun and should be a vibey group of people!

I start my class on Tuesday and can't wait to get going. It should be lots of fun too!

Everything is wonderful, im super happy and sorry to say, dont miss Toronto in the least.

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