Let me introduce you to some of my everyday people. We have Sati, who you have all met before from previous posts. She's what has been keeping me sane living in this house. Next is Acacia - From Beirut. Remember that poolparty/jam sesh I talked about? I met her there, because she is Hratch and Sylvie's niece. She is just a load of good energy and sunshine everyday, and spending time with her makes me smile non-stop! Next is Naz, our Iranian counterpart who hails from LA. Though we have nearly nothing in common, we some how managed to have created a strong bond! Shes fun, outgoing and we have great talks! These 3 girls have become my sisters. I see them almost everyday.
These are the people who make me smile, laugh and feel so at home. I will introduce you to more people along the way, because there are still so many more!
Today I leave for Karabakh, and will be there until Monday evening. I feel like there is something waiting there for me. So we will see!!!!
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