Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Arrival - Yerevan, Armenia

After a very lengthy delay, my dad and I finally hopped aboard our flight to Armenia. We got in around 8 or 9 this morning, and have both been suffering from sleep depravation.
Went around this afternoon, went to an orphanage... Where I had 2 girls holding my hands walking around with me.
Basically, im grumpy and sleepy, but alas, I must do my course selection for September tonight at 10:30 pm. (Thats 1:30 pm for all you Torontonians, and 6:30 pm for you English folk).

Finding out more about my internship this week. And for those of you who know my father, I will also be walking until my legs fall off, and staring at artifacts in museums until my eyeballs burn. Fun!

Will keep you updated as often as the internet and electricity permit. (So far so good!)

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