Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Beautiful Friday - London, England

Spent my Friday with Jeanette walking around Walthamstow Market. Talked to some nice people and just walking around in the sunshine. At night we went to Camden Market where a new friend I met waiting for a bus, Yalcin, and his friend Ali came to meet us. Jeanette and I started at a latin bar and the boys met us a a hookah bar after. Loads of people walking around, and from just sitting outside we met loads of people. Sharing lots of laughs, taking tons of pictures and having a super fun time! It was truly a great night!!!
Pic 1 - At Walthamstow, Pic 2 - Me, Yalcin & Jeanette, Pic 3 - Me, 2 random English people, and Ali, Pic 4 - Me with the hose, Pic 5 - Jeanette & Ali

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